Kamis, 17 Januari 2008

My opinion about the story Of My Friend Hector and My Achilles Heel

After I have read the story about Of My Friend Hector and My Achilles Heel, I could find that this story is about prejudice and stupidity that ever the writer did. The concise story Of My Friend Hector and My Achilles Heel is about a person who had prejudice about his friend whose name Hector. However, his prejudice was wrong. Long ago, Michael and hector are close and good friends in the same apartments. After a year, Hector and his family had to move to another place so that he could not see Hector again. After several years, Michel could study in the special class that is for intellectually gifted children but hector was not. When Michel finished his study in college, he worked as a reporter.

One day, he saw hector wearing a knitted watch cap. He knew him like that at times. Then, he has prejudice that Hector was a longshoreman who working on the docks. Some days later he always pretended that he didn’t see hector when he met him. He thought that Hector got strange and unfair fate because he was not an intellectually gifted adult. His prejudice was not unreasonable opinion and he had this prejudice before he knew and gained the facts about him. It appears his prejudice was wrong. Actually, Hector was an actor. He never guessed that person who always he though as a longshoreman was an actor. He knew it after he read the drama section in the newspaper. Knowing about it, he regretted and wanted to ask forgiveness to him about his prejudice. However, he has not done it yet because he thought how exactly someone apologizes for thoughts that were never expressed.

The next, it means I can say that prejudices are opinions or feeling before the facts are known or without knowledge and reasons. It can be a favorable opinions and preconceived opinions or attitude. We can also say that prejudice is an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when it is formed without enough thought or knowledge. In most cases, these opinions are founded on suspicion, intolerance, and the irrational hatred of other races, religions, creeds, or nationalities etc. Prejudice can be true or wrong but it is often negative and aimed to other people. From the story Of My Friend Hector and My Achilles Heel, this story tells that Michael’s prejudice was wrong because what he guessed and thought about his childhood friend was wrong. Therefore, you can be a person who always has prejudice about something or someone if you don’t have enough knowledge or evidence to form your opinion. Then, people can tend to be a sheep and follow other people views.

An example about prejudice: Many people have prejudice that people who is poor and have low education can not have big salary or can not be a successful and rich person. However, I don’t agree and believe with this prejudice. There’s a fact that ever happens with my neighbor. Most my neighbors think that a person who has low education will not get big salary and will not be a successful and rich person.

Now, I will tell you about my neighbor whose name Astono who is just a poor people and only graduated from Elementary School but now his fate changes. He can be a successful and rich person. Actually, long ago, I also ever thought that it was an impossible that a poor person who has low education like only graduating from Elementary School can be such people like that. The story is Astono who was a poor people and graduated from Elemetary School worked as an employee in North Jakarta. He set, repaired the doors and the mirrors and kept them to be durable in bank offices, big shops like Ramayana, Matahari, Carefour and other big shops and offices in this country. After having much money, he decided to be an employer and he asks for his brother and neighbors to be his employees. Then he looked for orders to Jakarta, Bekasi, Bogor in other cities but who do the works are his employees. He treats his employee like his partners so that all of his employees like him. Now, he has been a successful and rich person. Before knowing it, my neighbor and I always think that he will not be rich person and will always be an employee who has small or little salary because of his low education.

Although he was only poor person who only graduated from Elementary School, he is a successful employer now. He can be a successful employer because he can communicate and socialize well with his costumers or clients and other people so that he gets many of costumers or clients. Good personality and performance are also had by him. Besides it, he has high dedication and spirit to live and to try hard reaching what he wants.

When I knew about the facts from my brother about him, what a surprise I was. I have never thought like that he would be a rich man. All of my neighbors says that now he can buy a big house in North Jakarta and a Kijang car. When Lebaran, some days ago, he went home to his small village by a Kijang car that was his own car. He divided an amount of money to his neighbors and also he divided many expensive foods to them. It appears that a poor person who has low education such as only graduating from Elementary School can be more successful and richer person. Indeed, he can be richer than my other neighbor who has higher education than him. This fact really happens on my neighbor. Now, I aware that everybody can get successful and rich person as long as he or she always tries hard to get it although he or she is just poor people or people who have low education.

In brief, a person who is poor and has low education can also be a successful and rich person who has big salary. Finally, we may not have prejudice to the other people before knowing and gaining facts about them.

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