Kamis, 17 Januari 2008


Stereotypes have already developed in wherever areas. Stereotypes are
a fixed idea of what somebody or something is like that is not really
right or wrong.We can also say that stereotypes are guessing the other
people or something by looking at the out appearances on them or
believing with what most people have already think, guess and said
about somebody or something. It can make us prejudge other people
before we ever know much more about them. Actually, most what we guess
about other people can be wrong things. Wrong guessing about somebody
or something can cause us and the other people not comfortable and quiet.

Stereotypes can be admitted about its truth in only a little
percentage but it can be wrong opinion in amount of many percentages.
So, the judgments should be wrapped in order we can survive from
thinking or telling the wrong guessing and opinions to the other
people and we can be free from bad or wrong thinking about other
people or something.

Stereotypes happen everyday continually. To stop them is not easy. It
needs people's private awareness that stereotypes should be decreased
or even lost in order that we can live in peaceful, quiet, safe and
comfortable life in community environment.

Along with the development sciences and technology in this modern
period, many kinds of stereotypes that have already lived and adhered
in every country, city, even in small village. Even, some people have
been stirred by stereotypes.

One example of stereotypes is an amount people thinks that people who
has neat and good appearances are kind persons. However, actually, not
all of them like that. Absolutely, we may not think like that. Ever
happening, there is one of my friends always thinks that a boy who has
good and neat appearances is kind person. When she was inside the bus
on Jl. Jogja – Solo, a boy who has neat and good appearances
introduces himself to her. Then, they talked to much to each other.
However, what a pity, when she turned off the bus in Penggung
Terminal, all gold rings, bracelet, necklace that she put on her bag
lost without being left. Therefore, it means that we should be careful
with every people that we have just now introduced although he is a
handsome and good looking boy to avoid bad things happen on us so that
we will not get loss, problem and in trouble.

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