Kamis, 17 Januari 2008


Pilgrimage is generally a journey to a holy place to obtain high
in spiritual. In Islam, we call it as Hajj. In religion term, Hajj is
going to Baitullah (ka'bah) in Mecca to do religious service that has
been determined by Allah. It is one of pillars in Islam that have to
be done in Zulhijah month by Moslems who have enough money and have
fulfill the other requirements. They do it by imitating the real story
of Ibrahim who is well known. Also, The Hajj was based on a pilgrimage
that was ancient even in the time of Muhammad in the 7th Century.
According to Hadist, elements of the Hajj trace back to the time of
Ibrahim, around 2000 BC, and it is believed that Prophet Ibrahim was
ordered by God (Allah) to leave his son Ismail and his wife in the
desert. The wife agreed to the orders of Allah and so did Prophet
Ibrahim.While Ibrahim's wife ran back and forth seven times searching
for water for her son Ismail, he started to cry and he hit the ground
with his feet and the water of the Zam Zam started coming up from
under his feet and that is how the Zam Zam well came to be. Each year
tribes from all around the Arabian would converge on Mecca, as part of
the pilgrimage. Till now, most Moslems in whatever country over the
world follow it by doing this pilgrimage to Mecca and it become such a
tradition for Moslems that should they do after they have enough money.

Moslems who want to do it must fulfill the requirements and
pillars of Hajj. The requirements are Islam/Moslem, Baliq,
independent, able to do it, have spiritual and physical health. But,
the pillars of pilgrimage are Ihram, Wukuf in Arafah, Thawaf, sa'i,
Tahalul, and do them orderly. The Ihram clothing is intended to show
the equality of all pilgrims in the eyes of Allah, symbolizing the
idea that there is no difference between a prince and a pauper when
everyone is dressed equally. The Ihram also symbolizes purity and
absolution of sins. A place designated for changing into Ihram is
called a miqat. Wukuf is they stay in arafah from 9 to 10 Dzulhijah at
noon till sun rises. Sa'i is running or walking seven times back and
forth between the hills of Safa and Marwah. And Tahalul is cutting
hair at least 3 sheets.

After I get the information about the pilgrimage, I think that I
agree if it have to be done by Moslems who have enough in financial
and have completed requirements of it. All Moslems over the world hope
they can to do it. However, it is impossible because everybody has
different in financial. Other, I think many Moslems who have much
money go to Mecca repeatedly. Often, they do it just for fun,
recreation, shopping etc or to make their selves feel satisfied.
Whereas, some of them do not care with the other people around them in
their country who live poor.

My conclusion, the important thing from pilgrimage is this one
way that should make Moslems become the pious and better persons
according to Al Quran and Hadist. For Moslems who have fulfilled the
requirements of it, it will be better if they do it because it is one
of obligation that should be done by moslems.

My suggestion, I wish that Moslems who have already done the
Hajj, they must be able to change their bad behavior and attitude into
good ones. Other, they should always add their piousness day by day.
Also they must be able to dress that do not show the parts of body
that should they close. It is really an embarrassing thing if many
people have call someone by Hajah or Haji but they still can not
change their bad behavior, attitude and their performance of dress,
especially for women or girls that have done it. Finally, because of
being Haji or Hajah, they should not be an arrogant people, but they
should always be kind people. Hopefully, they who have do Pilgrimage
will more care with other people, especially who poor people because
this period many rich people who don't care with them so that the
distant between rich and poor people is so far. For Moslems who have
already do it, I wish they give the other opportunity by helping poor
people in order that they also can do it. Finally, for Moslems who do
it, they must really more do the religious service than they do great
shopping there.

Darajat, Zakiah, Prof., Drs., dkk., 1986, Dasar-Dasar Agama Islam,
Jakarta: PT Karya Unipress.
Suryana, Toto, Af, MPD, Drs., dkk, 1997, Pendidikan Agama Islam,
Bandung: PT Tiga Mutiara.
Wikipidia.org/wiki/haji – 47k –
ww.abim.org.my/madany/content/view/166/2 – 38k –

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